Selling on Zinano:
To sell your services on Zinano, you need to complete your profile first. Then, you only need to complete these 06 steps to add your service, which are:
1. Click on “Post a mjob” on the Top-Right side of your DASHBOARD:
2. Now, you need to enter the “job name” and “time of delivery in days” Then, choose the “Category of the Job” from the list:
3. Then, you describe your job and it’s specifications in the “the Job description” box:
4. You have to add a photo of the Job by clicking on “+” sign in the bottom left:
5. You can add a “ Video link ” and any “ extra services ” if available, Then you need to add your job’s Keywords on the “tags” box:
6. You can add a “Video link” and any “extra services” if available, Then you need to add your job’s Keywords on the “tags” box:
Very important
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