Algeria displays its ambitions in solar energy. The government is preparing to launch a “megaproject” to build photovoltaic power plants with a total capacity of 4,000 MW.

The completion of this project should be spread out between 2020 and 2024, according to a press release published on the Prime Minister’s website, after the government council held on Wednesday, May 20. The surface required for the establishment of these power stations is 64,000 hectares spread over ten wilayas.

Called “Tafouk1”, this project requires investments of $ 3.2 billion to $ 3.6 billion, according to a communication presented by the Minister of Energy.

The megaproject is expected to create 50,000 jobs during the construction phase, and 2,000 jobs after the plants come on stream, according to government projections.

The government aims to meet national energy demand and export electricity abroad with these plants. “In addition to meeting national energy demand and preserving our fossil resources, the completion of this project would allow us to position ourselves on the international market, via the export of electricity at a competitive price, as well as the export of know-how ”, maintains the government.