Do you have a WordPress issue that is driving you mad? You need help,  Let me solve your problems now!

I can help you to fix :

◈ Fixing WordPress errors

◈ Website Migration or Backup

◈ Customization of theme

◈ White Screen of Death

◈ Error Establishing Database Connection.

◈ Fixing Plugin issues

◈ Theme installation & configuration

◈ Fixing WordPress theme CSS issues

. . . .Everything related to WordPress can be Done here!

So, what are you waiting for?
Contact me NOW, with your details. I will respond you in A MINUTE!

This gig is for a small task.
Please Contact me first before placing the order! That will help you to get a better experience with me. 



In Basic Gig i will fix one small issue of your website.

5 Days Delivery


fix one small issue and WordPress version update

5 Days Delivery1 Revision


Standard + Plugin Updates, Site Speed Research, Site Security Audit Backup/Restore System

6 Days Delivery3 Revisions