9 Reasons You Should be Eating Avocados:

A lot of bodybuilders already include avocados in their diets. But do you know why? Learn 9 reasons why avocados might be a good addition to your diet.

Avocados have grown in popularity these past few years, but why? They are known as a super food, and with the many health benefits it is easy to see why, but how much do you know about this creamy super food?

In this article, I will describe my top 9 benefits of this fruit and why you need it in your diet.

The avocado is an evergreen, tropical tree with green, pear-shaped fruit originating from Mexico that is packed with nutrients. The term avocado refers to both the tree and the fruit.

This colorful fruit that was once considered a delicacy is now readily available and is a common addition to menus, from breakfasts to desserts all across the world.

Hundreds of different varieties of avocados exist, varying widely in both size and color. Some are green, others are black, and they range from as small as only a few ounces to as large as five pounds. The thing that remains consistent is its proven health benefits.

While they aren’t sweet, avocados are a very satisfying and versatile food with a creamy, buttery texture. They also have a rich flavor from the high-fat content.

Most fruits consist of carbohydrates. But avocado is very different. It is fully loaded with healthy fats along with fiber, potassium, and vitamins B6 and C, which is why it has been the subject of various studies. They are also rich in folate which can help with depression1.

Nutrient values found in a single serving of avocado, which is approx one half or (68 g)2

  • fiber (4.6 g)
  • total sugar (0.2 g)
  • potassium (345 mg)
  • sodium (5.5 mg)
  • magnesium (19.5 mg)
  • vitamin C (6.0 mg)
  • vitamin E (1.3 mg)
  • vitamin K1(14 μg)
  • folate (60 mg),
  • vitamin B-6 (0.2 mg)